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Macho 3p Tube

WOW Macho Towable, 1-3 Riders
The Macho Combo from Wow is a new kind of deck tube. You can still ride the Macho Combo like a regular deck tube, lying down and holding on for dear life. But if all that holding on is too much work, you can sit down inside the Secure Cockpit Seating built into the Macho deck tube body. The design team at Wow figured out how to turn the basic one-dimensional deck tube into a multi-positional family fun mobile. Unlike the traditional deck tube which you can only lie down on, the Macho Combo tube allows you to lay, sit, or kneel. What we did was we added Secure Form-Fit seating right in the middle of the tube. Our Secure Form-Fit seating is constructed with an internal, heavy duty nylon harness to prevent the riders bottoms from hitting the water. On top of that we added a layer of UV-protection treated, heavy-duty, Flex-Sit material to make the cockpit form fitting and ultra-comfortable. The Macho Combo Series is the perfect all in one action towable for the family with kids that want to sit inside a cockpit for a more secure ride and for those more adventurous ones that want to kneel or lie down on the deck and just hold on for dear life.
Wow's new Secure Form Fit Cockpit Seating gives riders the option to sit in the cockpit, lay on the deck, or kneel on the back edge. Riders can change their position mid-ride in seconds.

The new Secure Form Fit Cockpit Seating uses Wow's UV treated Flex-Sit material for a comfortable ride while laying, kneeling or sitting.

The Form Fit cockpit includes a nylon harness to prevent the riders bottom from hitting the water.

Great family fun concept for young kids who want to sit inside a cockpit for a more secure ride and for those older kids that want to kneel or lie down on the deck and just hold on for dear life. The Macho Combo design allows everyone to change their ride in seconds.

Wow's new HI-VIS color brand edition keeps the tube and riders highly visible on the water

Full nylon cover with heavy duty secure zipper

Reinforced tow point

Heavy-Duty PVC Bladder

Zippered Valve Cover

Speed valve for fast inflation and deflation

1 year warranty